Welcome message by Senior Director One Mosque Sector, Mr Zalman Ali
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Welcome to the One Mosque Sector (OMS) Summit newsletter, a collaborative effort between One Mosque Sector, Muis and Berita Harian.
The mosque sector has undergone significant transformation, particularly over the last two decades. This change has been driven by a deliberate collective plan involving Muis, mosque leaders, staff, volunteers and various stakeholders. Many of the key initiatives were developed and discussed at Mosque Conventions and townhalls held during this period.
However, new trends and challenges have emerged, including those brought about by COVID-19. Rapid changes in the socio- religious landscape have made it increasingly difficult to anticipate and navigate complexities. It is crucial that the mosque sector continues to remain relevant, bringing value and impact to the community.
Singapore’s 70 mosques are organised into four Districts: North, South, East and West. In this newsletter, you’ll discover the roles and signature programmes of all four Districts; with each District led by a District Office, headed by a District Superintendent of Mosque (DSM), and gain insights on their key areas of work.
To be future-ready, the mosque sector must effectively address evolving community needs, particularly among youth and seniors. This requires innovative approaches to tackle new challenges and ensure sustainability and availability of quality resources (e.g. funds, talent, manpower).
We not only build new capabilities to gain deeper understanding of community needs, design innovative programmes and services, but also recognise the need to measure their effectiveness and impact on the overall social fabric. Collaboration is key to achieving these desired outcomes.
The theme for OMS Summit 2025 is “Charting New Pathways: Innovate & Collaborate”; aims to strengthen our mosque sector’s vision, foster collaboration, and celebrate the invaluable contributions of our mosque leaders and staff. The summit will focus on three key areas, which will be discussed in three panel sessions featuring a curated panel of speakers from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines, both within and beyond the Mosque sector.
But importantly too, the OMS Summit aims to acknowledge all the good work that was done by our Mosque and community leaders, building on the efforts of the earlier leaders before them that laid the foundations to what our Mosque sector is today.
Through innovation and collaboration, may we thrive as a sector to bring greater services and programmes for our community, InsyaAllah.
Zalman Ali (Mr)
Senior Director, One Mosque Sector